Monday, April 26, 2010

Tips For Diagnosing a Sick Betta Fish

Sick Betta Fish

If you're going to care for bettas, then you should be prepared for them to get sick every so often. You should know some of the symptoms of common diseases so that you will have no trouble diagnosing a sick betta fish. This article will discuss some of the things you should look for.


Bettas eat everyday. If he shows no interest in food, then there may be something wrong with him. Sometimes, they'll just be reluctant to eat but will finally do so. Your fish may also spit the food back out after eating it if he's sick.


Watching their behavior is another way to tell if you have a sick betta fish. They're usually very active, but will become lethargic when something is wrong. He may stay in a corner or at the bottom of the tank and only come up for air.

Another behavioral change to lookout for is rubbing up against hard objects. If you notice your fish doing this, then it's likely he has been infected with a parasite.


Sick betta fish may also have a change in appearance. Some illnesses cause your fish to develop patches of color changes. Fungal infections are a common cause of this. Bacterial infections can also lead to fin or tail rot, which may cause blackening of the fins.

Another common betta disease is velvet. In addition to other symptoms, it causes your fish to develop a rust-colored film on the skin. Other diseases can cause open or red sores to appear.

These are a few tips for diagnosing a sick betta fish. However, there are many other things you need to learn about caring for bettas. So, come learn everything you need to know like how to properly setup betta tanks.

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